Late Collection and Non-Collection (pdf)
DownloadAdmissions (docx)
DownloadComplaints and Compliments (docx)
DownloadData Protection and Confidentiality (docx)
DownloadGDPR Privacy Notice (docx)
DownloadAccidents and First Aid (docx)
DownloadSafeguarding Children-Child Protection Policy (docx)
DownloadDealing with Discriminatory Behaviour (docx)
DownloadInclusion and Equality (docx)
DownloadFire Safety and Emergency evacuation (docx)
DownloadHealth and Safety – General Policy (docx)
DownloadParents and carers as partners (docx) (docx)
DownloadPrevent Duty and Radicalisation policy (docx)
DownloadSpecial Educational Needs and Disabilities (S (docx)
DownloadWhistleblowing (docx)